

Hi Dr. Kohut,
I wanted to update you on J's progress. Today, on J's 18th birthday I am happy to report that she is one year sober and is doing very well. She is one year sober, will graduate from high school next week, has two jobs, new friends, and relationships with all of her family members and is really happy! I would like to thank you for being my support during that very difficult time last year. It was your encouragement, advice, and expertise that led me in the right direction for J. From you I received strength, courage, confidence in parenting a difficult child, and I will be forever grateful.
I hope you are well and that you continue to help other families. I learned so much from you. You have a gift, your patience, knowledge, and desire to help others is remarkable. Thank you for giving me my daughter back.
Dear Dr. Kohut,
I wanted to let you know that I thought of you the other day. I hadn't in a long time (that year of my life is not my favorite memory!) I was interviewed by a program and wanted to send you a copy of the recording because it shares how thankful I am to you for helping me and my family through that really difficult time. You were able to bring me and my parents back together after 4 long years of fighting and I needed them so much at that time. I'm thankful for the support they decided to give me and my daughter.
My daughter and I feel like we have you to thank for helping them come around to that idea. Also, we are so thankful that you were willing to pray with us! I truly believe God had a big part to do with my recovery and I thank you for integrating that spiritual aspect into our therapy time together.
Dr. Kohut,
I want to drop you an email to let you know how much I appreciate your help these past few months with my daughter. You are a true professional. I find it very easy to speak to you. It seems to me that you always try and find a solution. Your proactive nature is a gift that most people do not possess. I wish that I had come across an adult such as you when I was in school.
Thank you again for all of your help,

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